The Coronavirus: An Unexpected Opportunity to Change the Way We Change
The coronavirus pandemic upended our world in a matter of weeks. Businesses closed. Stores shuttered. Unemployment soared. And worst of all, the virus took our loved ones. Companies were forced to reinvent the way they worked in just a few days. IT departments scrambled to provide equipment for employees. Managers and their people struggled to adjust to the new reality.
For those of us fortunate to keep our jobs, the boundaries between work and home vanished. Spare rooms became offices. Some of us worked exceptionally long hours. Some had little to do.
When historians chronicle these dark days, they will write how fear and uncertainty cast a pall over the world. They will also share that there were surprising pockets of innovation as employees exercised their newfound autonomy and rose to the challenges of the moment.
Now, organisations around the globe are reopening, sort of. Unevenly for sure. Making decisions without complete information. Uncertain about the future.
This creates an opportunity for all leaders to embrace the changes ahead in a radically different way.